Abstract 3.1 – The Bible and its relevance to Children and Adolescents

9 Mar

Ms Mariella Spiteri Gonzi and Ms Lina Zerafa

Does the Bible have any relevance to children and adolescents in a world of sms and lightning emails?  The timelessness of Bible stories transforms, empowers and touches lives if presented in the right way.  The cardinal rules are:  keep it simple; find interesting stories; grab the moment; leave a lasting impression.  The presentation includes practical activities which bring it alive.

Catechesis can sometimes seem as if it is taking place in a vacuum, but it is possible to foster a sense of belonging among even the most reluctant parents – the presentation reveals the transforming potential of using the liturgical calendar as a unifying force.

Can we allow the Bible and its message ‘to pass into the mists of history’ as Voltaire pledged?  Surely not!