Abstract 2.2 – Fostering Values in Curricular Subjects 1: Humanities

16 Mar

Rachel Hoiles
St Martin’s College

An important aspect of education is that it should be holistic. The current Religion textbooks have made several attempts to link Religion with other topics in the curriculum, such as Spelling, Maths, Art and Science; however, traditionally, this has been done in the wrong order. In other words, Religious themes and facts were used to create puzzles and other activities where the focus was on the other subjects rather than on Religion itself. Religion lessons should use the marvels of Science to create a sense of awe for Creation; budding writing skills could be employed to write sentences of praise to God; personal and social development skills could be used to express their love of life, or their sorrow at the loss of a beloved grandparent. These are just a few of countless possibilities to link Religion with other subjects across the curriculum. Only by teaching children how to link Religion with their everyday experiences of life can we truly teach to transform.